14 January 2025 - Society
Cuppa With a Copper
Come and meet the Neighbourhood Police Team and have a Cuppa With a Copper in Seaton Holme on Thursday 13th March from 1400 - 1500 hrs.
Easington Village is conveniently situated to the east of the A19 trunk road with easy access to many sites of natural beauty, the cities of Durham and Sunderland and the large town of Hartlepool. There are shops in Easington Colliery and neighbouring Peterlee with a few actually situated in the village. The parish of Easington village has a population of around 2499 (2021 census) and covers an area of 9.883 Km. Annual population growth is around 1.4% per year. The population is broadly 49% male and 51% female of which the majority are in the 18-64 year age bracket. 98.6% are UK citizens, 99% are white and 64% Christian. (Source: www.citypopulation.de)
Seaton Holme ,
Hall Walks,
Easington Village Peterlee,
County Durham,
0900 - 1600 Hrs (please call to make an appointment with the Clerk, Deputy Clerk or Councillors)
Monday to Friday
There are currently no scheduled meetings
Come and meet the Neighbourhood Police Team and have a Cuppa With a Copper in Seaton Holme on Thursday 13th March from 1400 - 1500 hrs.
The Parish patch newsletter is coming back in 2025. It will be in an electronic format and will be published seasonally with the first edition in Spring 2025.
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