Parish Council Vacancy
A vacancy exists on the Parish Council for a co-opted member. Please see the attached file for more information or call the Parish Office on 01915279360.
Published: 30 November 2023

Easington Village Parish Council
Councillor Vacancy for Co-Option
Thank you for taking an interest in the Parish Councillor vacancy.
This post has been previously notified by Legal and Democratic Services at Durham County Council for the prescribed period and therefore may be filled by co-option. The process for this is quite simple.
Firstly, you must be:
- A British, Commonwealth, Irish, or European Union citizen
• At least 18 years old
• Either on the list of electors for the parish, or during the whole of the previous twelve months has:
• Occupied land in the parish as an owner or tenant
• Had a principal place of work in the parish
• Resided in, or within three miles, of the parish
*Please be aware a person is however disqualified from being a Councillor if they:
- a) hold any paid employment or office in the local authority that they seek election to or
- b) are the subject of a ‘bankruptcy restrictions order’ or other interim order or
- c) have, within five years before the day of election or since their election, been convicted of
any offence and has had passed on them a sentence of imprisonment of at least three months
(whether suspended or not) without the option of a fine or - d) has been found guilty of corrupt or illegal practices or responsible for incurring unlawful
expenditure and the court ordered their disqualification.
If you wish to progress, please send an email stating that you fulfil the criteria above and wish to apply to be co-opted onto Council at the next Council meeting to the following address:
It is also worth attaching a small biography of yourself by way of introducing yourself to the other Councillors. (no more than a couple of paragraphs is fine) As you would be co-opted rather than elected there is some paperwork to complete which I will send you after I receive your email.
This is largely the Declaration of Pecuniary Interests which in basic terms is you stating that you either have / have not any personal or business interests which may have to be declared for transparency and openness while conducting Council business. Once signed this gets published at DCC and on our website.
The next stage would be to attend a Council meeting. You will attend as a member of the public but at the point on the Agenda where you are to be co-opted the Chair will introduce you and it is normal form to say a few words about why you want to be a Councillor and what skills you bring etc. Council will then make a decision, and you will be invited to take a place at the Council table. You will be required to sign a form of acceptance and from that point onwards you will be a Councillor, with all the responsibilities that entails.
If you wish to have a conversation about being a Councillor or to visit Seaton Holme and the Council office to discuss please let me know by email or give me a call. More information can be found at:
Paul Moore
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 0191 5279360