Durham PCC Precept Survey
The Police and Crime Commissioner has rolled out a survey on residents views on the Precept. Target date 08 January 2024.
Published: 6 December 2023

The annual public precept survey has been launched to ask local residents how much they are prepared to pay towards local policing in County Durham and Darlington, through their council tax in the upcoming year.
As you know Police and Crime Commissioners have a responsibility for setting the Force budget and determines the amount of council tax that goes towards policing for their area, called the policing precept. She is therefore seeking the views of the public and residents of County Durham and Darlington regarding the budget for Durham Constabulary for 2024/25, as she would like to know what people think is affordable and what their policing priorities are.
The precept consultation survey will be running until Monday 8th January.
PCC Allen is keen to cast the net widely in terms of trying to obtain views and opinions of residents of County Durham and Darlington especially hard to reach groups. I’d be grateful if you could disseminate the below link to your communities to try to obtain as many local views as possible.
We would ideally prefer residents to complete the survey online however, if you require hard copies, please contact us at